
Mike Pellinni Wca3wa2wijs Unsplash

The emphasis of WHRC's service delivery approach is on the individual receiving the service.

We foster a positive approach to supporting individuals in personal growth, problem-solving and social integration, in an environment that is physically and emotionally safe.  Through person-centered planning, good recording and continual review, we ensure that we provide services that reflect the individuals we support.  We are always looking to further their self-determination.  As we move forward, and the agency further diversifies in the models of service it provides, this responsiveness to individual circumstances and choice will ensure our growth is of real benefit to those we support.

We encourage individual identity and expression in programs that are autonomous yet accountable.

WHRC has strong, healthy relationships with individuals, their families and the professionals involved with them.  We involve all stakeholders in monitoring and continuously improving our services, so they reflect the individuals receiving service, their supporters and the community.

The agency has a deep and diverse pool of knowledge, skill and experience among its personnel.  Their commitment to the values of community living is encouraged by the policies and systems that guide their daily work.

Victoria 2


Shared Living in staffed homes shared by three to five individuals, home sharing where a contractor provides direct support and coordinates services for an individual

Community Inclusion

Daytime, weekday programs offering participation in meaningful activities whether they be social, recreational, skill-development, volunteer or paid work.  We have Day Services for 10 to 20 individuals supported by staff, as well as from-home support for individuals whose residential and community inclusion services are integrated to meet their physical and emotional needs.

Nursing Support

Respite nursing is provided to families so that children who are medically fragile can live at home, attend school and access their community.